output oracle sql query result to file


SQL*Plus: Release – Production on Sun Sep 21 16:32:13 2008


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Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production

With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options


SQL> spool sql.lst

SQL> select * from academic;

     ACNUM    DEPTNUM FAMNAME              GIVENAME             INITIALS

———- ———- ——————– ——————– ———-

** rows selected.

SQL> spool off


 sql.lst is saved at your home directory.

Install VMware Server on OpenSuse 11

1. Get vmware rpm server from http://www.vmware.com

2. Install vmware rpm

ns2 ~ # rpm -ivh VMware-server-1.0.7-108231.i386.rpm

3. Configure vmware with vmware-config.pl

ns2 ~ # /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl 

agree license and where it says

 “None of the pre-built vmmon modules for VMware Server is suitable for your 
running kernel.  Do you want this program to try to build the vmmon module for 
your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)? [yes] yes
Using compiler “/usr/bin/gcc”. Use environment variable CC to override.

Your kernel was built with “gcc” version “4.3.1”, while you are trying to use 
“/usr/bin/gcc” version “4.3”. This configuration is not recommended and VMware 
Server may crash if you’ll continue. Please try to use exactly same compiler as
one used for building your kernel. Do you want to go with compiler 
“/usr/bin/gcc” version “4.3” anyway? [no] yes

4. after you install vmware is ready to use.
if you like to install VMware-mui-1.0.7-108231.tar.gz
download from www.vmware.com decompress install with ./vmware-install.pl

file IO tuning, iotop

To check File IO, this iotop is one of best solution.
“Linux has always been able to show how much I/O was going on (the bi and bo columns of the vmstat 1 command).

Iotop is a Python program with a top like UI used to show of behalf of which process is the I/O going on. It requires Python ≥ 2.5 and a Linux kernel ≥ 2.6.20.”

For Suse 11
Simply type “yum install iotop”.

Iotop’s homepage