Rebuild apache rpm on Centos4

Download src rpm

Install src rpm
ns2 ~ # rpm -ivh httpd-2.0.63-2.el4s1.centos.2.src.rpm
ns2 ~ # cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
ns2 SPECS # vim httpd.spec
%define contentdir /var/www -> %define contentdir /home
ns2 SPECS # rpmbuild -bb /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/httpd.spec
error: Failed build dependencies:
xmlto >= 0.0.11 is needed by httpd-2.0.63-2.el4s1.centos.2.i386
apr-devel >= 0.9.4-20 is needed by httpd-2.0.63-2.el4s1.centos.2.i386
apr-util-devel is needed by httpd-2.0.63-2.el4s1.centos.2.i386
distcache-devel is needed by httpd-2.0.63-2.el4s1.centos.2.i386
Install missing packages
ns2 SPECS # yum install xmlto apr-devel apr-util-devel distcache-devel
ns2 SPECS # rpmbuild -bb /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/httpd.spec
ns2 SPECS # cd ../RPMS
ns2 RPMS # rpm -ivh –force httpd-2.0.63-2.el4s1.centos.2.i386.rpm
ns2 ~ # /etc/init.d/httpd restart
ns2 ~ # suexec -V

Install Proftpd on gentoo

1, add “ftp” use flag to /etc/make.conf

ns2 ~ # emerge proftpd
ns2 ~ # cd /etc/proftpd
ns2 proftpd # cp proftpd.conf.distrib proftpd.conf
ns2 proftpd # vim proftpd.conf
ServerName “ProFTPD Default Installation” -> ServerName “ftp.ns2.example.local”
#DefaultRoot ~ -> comment out
if you like to enable root login: add
RootLogin on
change Server Identification: add
ServerIndent on  ” Ftp Server at …..”
ns2 proftpd # /etc/init.d/proftpd start && rc-update add proftpd default
ns2 etc # vim ftpusers
Comment out root